Competencies Appraisal Process

Competencies Appraisal Process

Often companies define clear competencies which they wish to see in their employees, so that company employees can jointly achieve set goals. The company initiates the development of a training process to develop employee competencies, so that employees are more satisfied with their work, and more effective and successful in their work achievements. A person participates in an appraisal, which is already the first step in the learning process before a development plan is created through which employees will develop their competencies. Appraisal of competencies is required to understand which competencies should be developed by the employee, and to what degree. Appraisal stimulates and trains a person to look at themselves at two levels – to develop a deepened analysis of one’s internal processes and at the same time to also look at themselves objectively and reflect on their achievement. The analysis is added to by a specialist, with their observations and knowledge, reflecting nuances to which the person has not focused attention or has evaluated incorrectly.

The appraisal process is an intensive work of self-analysis led by a trained specialist with standardized, credible and internationally recognized evaluation methods. In this process, the employee participates actively in the tasks contained in the evaluation plan, which have been adapted according to the employee’s position, while his/her performance provides important information about the employee’s personality, abilities and behaviour. The tasks have been designed so that the employee’s performance and actions portray their typical everyday behaviour in work situations as much as possible and reduce the opportunity to just provide socially desirable behaviour and answers.

Observations which had been obtained during this appraisal period allow for a thorough and in-depth appraisal of the employee’s performance within the framework of the evaluation of the company’s defined competencies. The person finds out some of their strengths and areas to be developed, however, this often this lacks a structured and clear perspective. After receiving feedback, the employee understands the development direction on which they should focus to increase greater self-efficiency, and in this way, also facilitate the behaviour which corresponds and is consistent with the company’s defined competencies.

The appraisal process also includes a search for resources, emphasizing the employee’s strengths. In this way, the feeling of being competent, successful and important to the company is encouraged in the employee. Each person has the essential competencies for the specific work, and the appraisal process helps them to understand the level at which these skills have been developed and the degree to which they correspond to the company's expectations. In this way, the required directions for development are differentiated. There are undoubtedly competencies, which can be more easily and quickly developed, while others require a longer or greater period, but this is influenced to a large degree by an employee’s motivation to improve themselves.

A structured appraisal process includes within it progress towards a clearer understanding of oneself. The appraisal has been successful if the employee, after receiving feedback, has gained a structured understanding about the directions for their development and can purposefully and meaningfully guide their behaviour and activities, so that they are effective in achieving the company's goals, as well as being satisfied with their work and their work performance.

Maija Dobele, Appraisal Project Assistant