All courses
All corporate courses offered by TRIVIUMS for companies and organizations.
The ABCs of an effective leader
This is essential training for all new managers, where you will learn how to manage employees effectively: clarify company objectives and processes, give and control tasks, motivate employees, support them in their daily work and foster cooperation.
2 x 6 hours
Jolanta Armande
ABC of an effective leader (Level II)
In this course, you will learn what motivates today's employee; how to maintain high levels of team energy and focus; and how to manage in the face of uncertainty and constant change.
2 x 6 hours
Jolanta Armande
Persuasive presentation and selling ideas ©
It is impossible to hide when speaking. That is why many people are afraid of public speaking. The training offered is designed as a set of theoretical and practical lessons, where, by repeatedly trying out various presentation and speaking techniques, you will receive constructive analysis and recommendations from a professional trainer, and you will be able to better recognize your weaknesses and strengths.
6+3 hours
Krista Vāvere
The power of feedback
Feedback is perhaps one of the most effective management tools for successful communication, team development, and improving work efficiency. In this course, you will gain the knowledge to skillfully give and receive feedback.
6 hours
Kristiāna Boša
Proactive communication
Every employee is important. In this course, we will encourage and inspire sales consultants about the importance of their role in the company's operations and image; we will transfer new skills in proactive behavior and persuasive communication, as well as share tools for saving personal energy and solving challenging situations.
6 -12 hours
Skaidrīte Bulmeistere-Ikauniece
Working with a "difficult" client
Communication skills are the ability to understand a wide variety of people, to hear their needs and find the optimal solution for them. It is also a universal tool for the productivity of every professional. This seminar offers a deeper study of the phenomenon of "difficult" clients and provides practical skills in working with them.
6 hours
Ieva Vaine
Effective time planning and work organization
The course will examine time management as a set of skills that helps you evaluate the quality of your time, focusing on what is important rather than what is urgent, consciously shaping your life, setting professional and personal goals, and planning not only work but also leisure.
6 hours
Ieva Vaine
Train the Trainer
More and more companies are using internal resources – managers and top specialists – to train their employees. This course will provide knowledge and practical skills in preparing and conducting effective adult learning.
3 x 6 hours
Skaidrīte Bulmeistere-Ikauniece
Garīgums darbā: instruments produktivitātei un saliedētībai
Iepazīstināt ar darba garīguma un garīgās līderības konceptiem, parādīt to vērtību darba vidē un sniegt praktiskus piemērus, kā šos principus integrēt ikdienā, lai celtu darbinieku pašefektivitāti, produktivitāti un veicinātu kolektīva saliedētību.
1,5 stundas
Daiga Katrīna Bitēna
Change management
In this course, we will train managers at various levels in change management methods, how to communicate it with employees. We will also introduce managers to the challenges that managers and employees face during change, and develop leadership skills to be able to accept this challenge and support their team.
6 hours
Kristiāna Boša