Diversity management – future potential
4-6 hours
Kristiāna Boša
Kristiāna Boša
Practitioner and expert in the field of personnel management and remuneration with more than 15 years of work experience, advises companies on remuneration and personnel management issues on a daily basis.
Diversity management – future potential
Diversity management is an approach to managing companies/organizations that uses employee diversity and differences as potential. The most important benefits of diversity management are employee motivation and the company's ability to find more creative and effective solutions by combining the competencies of different employees. It is an opportunity to turn differences into opportunities for company growth.
The more diverse the company's workforce, the greater the opportunities for this company to increase its work efficiency to achieve its goals.
Main topics
Workforce diversity;
The impact of diversity on team performance, customer satisfaction and business results;
Stereotypes and thinking;
Gender and age stereotypes - identification and analysis;
The impact of stereotypes on managerial decisions about personnel;
Discrimination in organizations;
Inclusive leadership - what kind of leader can successfully manage diverse people?
Lessons learned from the training or 3 things that you will use in the future
See and value diversity more. It is easier to justify to employees why it is important.
You have to start with yourself. Empathy and genuine interest in the employee – the key to success. Don’t be afraid to admit your shortcomings in front of your subordinates.
Stop and identify stereotypes. Stop discrimination in its early stages, recognize it, and the need for self-analysis.
Stereotypes must be reduced. Individuality must be respected. Minuses can be turned into pluses by supplementing your work with the contribution of colleagues.
Stereotypes – seeing them in yourself and others. Diversity = broadening horizons. Minority/majority is not an obstacle, but quite the opposite –
Self-awareness. Team diversity is a strength. Listening. Don’t give in to stereotypes.
Identifying stereotypical and discriminatory behavior, don’t be shy about talking about your weaknesses.
Working with yourself, stereotypes, human diversity. How to apply, what to do, and how to introduce it into the team.
Diversity promotes good things. Discrimination is not acceptable, because it is possible to lose a good employee. My strengths and weaknesses.
Diversity is not a demotivating factor for teams, it can be used as a motivator. Diversity in a team increases profitability, and profits. Stereotypes can lead to incompetent decisions.
Be aware of discrimination. Strengthen your attitude towards diversity in the team and in the company. Diversity can also be an advantage for business.
Diversity is important. Relationships are valuable. Benefits from people who are usually stereotyped.
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