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Building digital habits


6 hours


Kaspars Kauliņš

Kaspars Kauliņš

Business development manager, management consultant and leadership coach with more than 25 years of experience in the international business environment. Enthusiast of artificial intelligence language technology.

Building digital habits

The introduction of new technologies into our lives and work is a modern reality. Organizations are experiencing digital transformation. What does this mean for our business? How to better prepare for it and how to set it in motion? How to promote the formation of digital habits in both employees and customers and partners?

During the course, we will discuss and share our experiences on how to promote effective cooperation between people and technology in the era of artificial intelligence, what solutions and tools are already available today and what we can expect in the near future.


  • To provide knowledge about the use of technology and the application of digital tools to increase the efficiency of the organization and business;

  • To identify opportunities to form digital habits both personally and in your organization and business.


  • Understanding the nature of digital transformation;

  • New opportunities for increasing organizational and personal efficiency;

  • Tools and activities for promoting digital habits of employees, customers and partners;

  • Understanding the advantages and risks of personal digital habits.

Work format

Interactive work format - lots of examples, discussions, experience sharing, individual and group tasks.

Target audience

All those who are thinking about or implementing digital transformation in their organization, as well as want to explore the possibilities of using various technologies and digital tools in their work and business.


1. Introduction. Artificial intelligence and change. Digital transformation.

  • What changes affect organizations in the era of Artificial Intelligence?

  • What is digital transformation, how to start and promote it?

2. Tools and opportunities for increasing organizational efficiency.

  • Organizational efficiency. Opportunities for increasing it using automation, robotization and Artificial Intelligence.

  • My organization's digital transformation "roadmap".

3. Human versus machine? (computer). How to achieve employee support and involvement? Customers' digital experience and user habits.

  • How to collaborate with machines/robots/algorithms. Using various technologies in communication processes - machine translation, voice technologies, intelligent chatbots, etc.

  • The importance of customer experience. Designing a unique digital customer experience.

  • Creating digital habits of customers and employees.

4. Shaping personal digital habits.

  • Healthy and unhealthy digital habits. Analysis of personal habits and development planning. Digital detox, what is it?

5. Conclusion. Reflections.

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