Effective time planning and work organization
6 hours
Ieva Vaine
Ieva Vaine
Psychologist, communication trainer and consultant with more than 15 years of experience.
Effective time planning and work organization
All we can do with our lifetime is to evaluate how we treat it and how we use it. If initially time planning was applied only to work or business activities, then over time this concept has expanded to include personal life events. Conscious time planning and work organization increase both personal efficiency and work productivity, pand rovide a sense of balance and satisfaction with oneself and life in general. Today, time planning is like a system consisting of various techniques, tools, technologies and methods.
The course will examine time planning not in the classical sense - "how to get more done in one day", but as a set of skills that help evaluate the quality of time, focusing on what is important rather than the most urgent, consciously creating your life, setting professional and personal goals and planning not only work, but also rest.
Target audience
Anyone who wants to learn or improve time planning and work organization skills.
Course Objective
To provide participants with knowledge and practical skills in time and work planning.
knowledge and understanding of internal and external obstacles to effective work;
mastered the main principles of work and time planning, goal setting and prioritization;
knowledge and skills to use specific planning tools, be able to organize one's work and time more constructively, achieving a more productive result;
reduction of stress levels at work;
individual time management plan for each participant.
Work method
Mini lectures, situation analysis, individual and group practical work, discussions, elements of business games.
1. Basic principles of time planning.
Structuring and planning time.
Benefits and disadvantages of time planning.
Self-motivation by starting regular time planning.
Principle 80/20 – an unconventional approach to time management.
2. Psychological dimension in performing daily duties.
My attitude – what is it, to what extent am I aware of it, and how does it affect my productivity and cooperation with colleagues?
My motivation.
Proactivity – in everyday work, in relationships with colleagues and in private life.
3. Time planning and stress.
Does a strict time plan and pedantry allow you to get more done or create additional stress?
How to find the optimal approach to time planning?
How to manage your stress in critical situations and everyday life?
Time planning and action in crises.
Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage your time, to guide yourself towards the set goals.
4. Clear goals in the context of time planning.
How do clear goals help save time?
Do I know my goals?
Professional and personal goals.
What do I want to accomplish and when?
5. Setting and adhering to priorities.
How do I choose the tasks to be performed?
The most important or the most urgent?
Personal and work priorities, and their coordination.
Eisenhower's principle in planning time and priorities.
Avoiding procrastination of unpleasant tasks.
6. Delegating tasks.
Psychological obstacles.
Risks and benefits of delegation.
Productive delegation.
7. Time management in a team and time thieves.
How do we communicate about our plans with team members?
Responsible cooperation.
Are we aware of what "steals" our productive time?
Do we notice when we "steal" other people's time?
8. My individual time plan (individual practical work).
Increasing personal efficiency.
The most relevant time planning issues for me.
Developing an action plan for more productive time management.
9. Conclusion of the seminar. Feedback.
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