The ABCs of an effective leader
2 x 6 hours
Jolanta Armande
Jolanta Armande
Internationally recognized management consultant and trainer with more than 20 years of practical experience. Practicing clinical psychologist, manager and human rights activist.
The ABCs of an effective leader
This course is about how a company/department manager can effectively manage employees: explain company goals and processes, give work tasks and control their execution, motivate employees, provide support in everyday life and promote cooperation.
And also about what resources are available to a manager and how to use them to reduce tension in difficult situations; how to inspire and promote employee proactivity and productivity.
To provide participants with knowledge and practical skills for effective employee management.
understanding of the role and responsibility of a manager in achieving company goals;
knowledge of the most effective employee management tools;
understanding of the nature, meaning and motivation of employees in everyday work;
ability to provide motivating feedback;
understanding of the role of communication in a manager's work, its forms and most effective tools;
specific action scenarios for various, including difficult, situations in everyday work.
Working method
Active and engaging form of work, classes include discussions and situation analysis, role-playing games, the theoretical part is supplemented with examples and practical exercises.
Target audience
Middle-level managers - both with little experience in managing employees and with the need to "put on shelves" what they have understood from experience.
In the first part of the course, we will focus on the management process and elements of the work performance management cycle that help to effectively achieve goals
In the second part of the course, we will work with practical tools, try different approaches to effective communication with employees and teams
1. Introduction. The role of the modern manager
Management models and styles.
Management as an influence.
The image of the manager (real and ideal).
Management orientations, and their characteristics.
Mutual perception, expectations, and concerns of the company, manager and employees.
2. Performance management cycle – how we ensure and gain clarity
The roles of the direct manager in managing the work process.
How to set goals, and agree on performance and quality criteria.
How to plan activities, and how to control them.
Delegation and empowerment – how to make the most of an employee’s abilities;
Performance appraisal.
How to guide an employee towards development.
Working with participant situations. How to solve everyday management issues using the performance management cycle. Various solution strategies and effective communication in these situations
3. Managerial communication. Everyday communication. Persuasion and influence. Attention, interest and motivation
How to understand and be understood; rational and emotional aspects of communication.
How to “read” how employees feel and what they think.
Face-to-face and remote communication.
Conversation with an employee. Effective feedback. Praise and criticism.
Manager's emotions and feelings as a helper/obstacle in providing feedback.
Motivation, involvement and employee development, including remotely: best practices and experiences.
4. Team building and development: best practices and experiences
Team building process.
Roles in a team and cooperation.
Successful team development - basic conditions.
Social competence - readiness to cooperate.
Stages of team development and conflict resolution.
5. Conclusions and feedback
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