How to help yourself and your employees in stressful situations. Burnout prevention
4 hours
Ieva Vaine
Ieva Vaine
Psychologist, communication trainer and consultant with more than 15 years of experience.
How to help yourself and your employees in stressful situations. Burnout prevention
To get to know and restore your internal resources, overcome routine and burnout
To be able to recognize burnout signals in your employees and take care of them
Working methods
Theoretical insight for building awareness, discussions, practical tasks, and situation analysis.
Target audience
Middle-level managers.
1. Burnout – concept and essence:
burnout symptoms – physical, emotional and cognitive;
stages of burnout development;
how to recognize burnout in yourself and others?
2. The role of the work environment and the manager’s actions in employee burnout. What contributes to burnout in working conditions?
3. Working from home and the impact of the pandemic – additional risks.
4. Burnout prevention – first work with yourself and only then with others. An example from a manager.
5. Conversation with a burned-out colleague – how to support an employee without harming yourself?
6. Personal skills:
maintaining life balance;
taking care of your health;
identifying your values and motivations;
practicing positive thinking;
the ability to calmly accept criticism;
the ability to protect your boundaries and say NO;
seeking social support.
7. Managerial skills to help employees:
restoring self-esteem;
positive feedback;
emotional support;
success stories;
creating a positive psychological climate;
communicating organizational development;
providing professional assistance;
adjusting positions;
reviewing working conditions.
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