How to persuade and break down barriers to have a conversation
2 hours
Juris Baltačs
Juris Baltačs
Argumentation, critical thinking and better communication coach.
How to persuade and break down barriers to have a conversation
We have all participated in a discussion where we feel as if we are talking to a “wall”. It seems so obvious that we are right, but the other person simply does not agree. In this lecture:
• We will talk about communication techniques that can make the other person listen to our opinion even if they initially disagree with it;
• We will look at the role of emotions in communication;
• We will learn practical methods that can be used to make the interlocutors lower their emotional shields.
Lecture, questions & answers, practical examples and individual tasks
1. Argument formation.
First of all, we need to know what we want to convince the person of. Therefore, we will look at how to present an idea in the form of an easily understandable argument. We will talk about what types of arguments are and how to build a good basis for an argument. In addition, we will also practice presenting arguments.
2. What is the role of the emotional shade of synonyms in communication?
The same information can be presented in different ways. Even when trying to be objective, we (and others) often give an emotional shade to what we say without realizing it, and this can make the other person hear in what we say what we did not mean. In this section, we will learn to recognize the role of synonyms in the formation of emotions in order to be able to work with them consciously.
3. Types of people and what each type wants.
Let's talk about what types of people exist and what each of them wants, on an emotional level, regardless of the technical nuances of the conversation such as budget, deadlines or terms of cooperation. Participants will learn how to recognize types of people and how to give them what they want.
4. Basic psychological needs of people.
In this section, participants will learn what role basic psychological needs play during emotional tensions. Let's look at what possible psychological needs are violated and what to do when a conversation starts to get tense.