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Specifics of organizing hybrid work


6 hours


Kristiāna Boša

Kristiāna Boša

Practitioner and expert in the field of personnel management and remuneration with more than 15 years of work experience, advises companies on remuneration and personnel management issues on a daily basis.

Specifics of organizing hybrid work

How to balance the organization of remote and in-person work, the distribution of responsibilities, and the achievement of results.


To develop the skills of managers to organize work in a hybrid work mode - how to balance the organization of remote and in-person work, the distribution of responsibilities, and the achievement of results

Working method

Active and engaging form of work. The theoretical part is supplemented with examples and practical tasks, individual and group work, discussions, and situation analysis. Distribution - theoretical section (40%), practical classes (60%).


Introduction and goal setting

The importance and impact of hybrid work organization on companies.

Getting to know the participants and a brief discussion about each person's experience in a hybrid work organization.

1. Overview and challenges of hybrid work models

  • Hybrid work models and their advantages and challenges (emphasis on productivity, flexibility, and team dynamics).

  • Strategies for employee engagement and balance.

2. Distribution of responsibilities and team management

  • Choosing resources and work monitoring tools in a hybrid environment.

  • Management styles that promote balance between remote and in-person employees.

3. Effective communication and collaboration

  • Communication strategies in a hybrid environment: how to maintain engagement for all team members.

  • Fostering respect and trust in the team when working remotely and in person.

4. Managing and measuring results in a hybrid work environment

  • Setting KPIs and measuring productivity in remote and in-person work.

  • Focusing on results, not time control, prioritizing flexibility and productivity.

5. Task management and time planning

  • Task management and prioritizing in a hybrid environment: how to maintain a balance between flexibility and achieving results.

  • Time management and task coordination using digital tools.

6. Psychological Safety and Team Engagement

  • The Importance of Psychological Safety in a Hybrid Environment and Promoting Employee Engagement.

  • Motivational and Psychological Support Strategies.

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