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Organizational wellbeing: how to promote it?


6 hours


Jolanta Armande

Jolanta Armande

Internationally recognized management consultant and trainer with more than 20 years of practical experience. Practicing clinical psychologist, manager and human rights activist.

Organizational wellbeing: how to promote it?

Today, more than ever before, companies are concerned about the engagement and productivity of their employees. How to ensure that our best employees do not allow themselves to be lured by competitors? How to ensure that our “stars” work with maximum efficiency? What to do so that employees do not burn out? What helps to achieve high results in the long term?

Companies often have to find that investments in various motivation systems – remuneration, social guarantees, good working conditions, and various professional and personal development courses – do not bring the expected results. People quickly get used to the benefits, and accept them as self-evident, and yet lose interest and motivation, burn out, and do not feel involved and satisfied.

The well-being of an organization can be viewed at several levels. On the one hand, it is the responsibility of the organization or company to consistently support and promote employee engagement, motivation, proactivity, and productivity. On the other hand (which is often forgotten) – the responsibility of the employee himself, his attitude towards work, his desire and ability to motivate himself, to take care of the maintenance and development of his resources. The key to productivity and sustainability is in an interaction!

As leaders, we can do a lot for the well-being of our organization, even in conditions of limited budgets. Sometimes changes cost very little or even nothing, but have a huge impact and bring results.

To do this, we should be able to answer at least the following questions:

  • do our employees' values ​​​​match the values ​​​​of the company?

  • are we aware that our employees and their needs are different?

  • do we know what is truly important to employees?

  • are we flexible and ready to follow changes, "keep our finger on the pulse" and act accordingly?

In this course, we invite you to get acquainted with a systemic, research-based approach that looks at organizational well-being in 6 interrelated dimensions. During the training, we will look in depth at each of them, relating global trends, examples and best practices to the specific case and problems of each training participant. Together, we will look for opportunities for the implementation of immediate and effective changes.


To provide systemic knowledge and understanding of the various dimensions of personal and organizational well-being, as well as tools for making immediate and effective improvements.


  • Understanding of various opportunities to promote well-being in your company/department;

  • New management methods to promote employee engagement and motivation;

  • Recommendations and tools for solving each problem.

Working method

Short lectures, exchange of experiences, discussions, analysis of examples and cases. Participants are invited to come up with their problem situation, which is developed and developed during the training.

Target audience

Managers of companies and departments, HR managers; those who have the desire and opportunity to influence and change company policies, systems and processes to promote organizational well-being in the long term.


1. Introduction: introduction to participants, training rules.

2. Well-being at the personal and organizational level: what is it, what does research show, and why would it be beneficial for an organization to take care of it? Six-dimensional model.

3. Caring for personal well-being:

  • physical dimension: taking care of your body;

  • emotional dimension: understanding your emotions, and being able to manage them. Stress management;

  • thinking dimension: how to think, understand and create context, the “big picture”, what thoughts promote well-being and what do not;

  • competence dimension: how to determine your development needs, and immediate development zones;

  • relationship dimension: how to build and maintain relationships with other people, communicate effectively, and resolve conflicts;

  • meaning dimension: how to formulate your meaning and answer the question “Why do I need all this?”

4. Caring for company well-being:

  • physical dimension. Environment and resources: how can we take care of what is necessary for work? What environment is best for our business? What creates the environment?

  • emotional dimension: how to create and maintain a certain atmosphere? What emotions do we want employees to experience in the workplace? How to help employees feel motivated, inspired, satisfied and loyal?

  • thinking dimension: how to encourage employees to think? Is it necessary at all? How to create a common mental map? How to help employees understand the context and the “big picture”?

  • competence dimension: how to encourage employees to develop, and in a way that serves the company? What knowledge and skills do our employees need and why?

  • relationship dimension: how to build a team and productive working relationships? How and whether to prevent conflicts? Are friendliness and productive working relationships the same thing?

  • meaning dimension: how to create and maintain a sense of meaning in the workplace? Does everyone want meaningful work? How to motivate employees with intangible factors and is there an intangible side to financial motivators?

5. Reflection, feedback, summary. End of the training.

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