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Punctuation in Latvian - practical training


6 hours


Inta Urbanoviča

Inta Urbanoviča

Philologist, Latvian language and business communication etiquette expert and teacher with more than 20 years of experience.

Punctuation in Latvian - practical training

Course Objectives

This is a unique training course to improve knowledge of Latvian punctuation compactly.


  • Overview of punctuation marks in Latvian and their practical use;

  • Special attention to punctuation problem cases;

  • Strengthening practical skills by editing punctuation inaccuracies in the text.

Working method

Lectures based on practical examples, discussions, answers to questions, and practical exercises.


  1. The concept of punctuation, Latvian punctuation principles and literary norms.

  2. Punctuation marks used in Latvian, functional characteristics of punctuation marks.

  3. Punctuation problem cases in business text:

    1. Date notation;

    2. Address notation;

    3. Numeral indications;

    4. Abbreviations;

    5. Abbreviations or abbreviation compounds.

  4. The concept of punctuation, Latvian punctuation principles.

  5. Various grammatical constructions in a simple sentence:

    1. Equal members of the sentence;

    2. Constructions with a generalizing word;

    3. Isolations;

    4. Two-part sentences;

    5. Interjections (insertions, explanations);

    6. Address;

    7. Particles, modal words;

    8. Comparisons.

    9. Punctuation marks in a complex ordered sentence.

    10. Punctuation marks in a complex subordinate clause.

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