Proactive communication
6 -12 hours
Skaidrīte Bulmeistere-Ikauniece
Skaidrīte Bulmeistere-Ikauniece
Professional trainer of customer service, sales and Train the Trainer.
Proactive communication
To encourage and inspire sales consultants about the importance of their role in the company's operations and image creation;
to learn new skills and improve existing ones in proactive behavior and persuasive communication;
to acquire new tools for saving personal energy and solving challenging situations.
Working method
Interactive and engaging form of work, practical tasks individually and in small groups to strengthen and develop skills, discussions to find the best solution
Emotional and functional needs
The role of consultants in satisfying the emotional needs of internal and external clients, which to a greater extent also determines client satisfaction, trust and more successful cooperation
Proactive thinking and proactive behavior
How to spend energy wisely and effectively
How to increase positive energy and how, by correctly distributing energy, reduce stress and exhaustion
Examples of the trainer and participants to strengthen understanding and encourage
Phrases to use in communication to promote proactive thinking
Active listening
How to simultaneously create a sense of interest and listening in the client and lead the conversation yourself, determining the direction and length
Empathy - a basic communication competence
Questioning skills
Questioning as an essential component of active listening
How to use questions more effectively?
How to adapt questions to suit your purpose?
Elements of communication
Body language, intonation and words
The role of each element in creating an impression and exchanging information in communication
How to use these elements meaningfully?
Reflecting on your own experiences, observations and challenges
Communication styles
Aggressive, passive, passive-aggressive and learnable assertive style
Recognition in communication
Conflict situations
Effective communication to resolve them to avoid conflicts
Conflict resolution tactics
Communication techniques for managing conflict situations to a solution
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