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Intercultural communication


6 hours


Skaidrīte Bulmeistere-Ikauniece

Skaidrīte Bulmeistere-Ikauniece

Professional trainer of customer service, sales and Train the Trainer.

Intercultural communication

Today, the daily routine of large organizations is building relationships with colleagues, partners and clients representing several cultures. This creates an opportunity for a new level of synergy, but - if we are not prepared, or if we act only according to our best conscience, without taking into account cultural differences, misunderstandings and even conflicts can also occur.

Considering that organizations sometimes employ professionals from 30+ countries, we do not and will not have time to study each culture. Another may say that this is precisely why there is an internal culture of the organization, which employees must comply with from day one. But is it so? And what to do with partners and clients? For one, the most important thing is following a strict hierarchy, for another - deadlines, for yet another - self-esteem and family. We all have different values, but we cannot put them above the values ​​of other cultures. If we have to achieve results, we need specific tools to communicate in a way that promotes the implementation of our ideas in a multicultural organization, taking into account what we have in common, not what is different, and how to avoid ambiguity and misunderstanding. About this – in this course.


To develop professional intercultural communication understanding and skills, as well as to understand one’s role in successful business cooperation.


  • understanding of cultural differences and effective communication strategies;

  • understanding of the importance of proactive behavior;

  • improved communication and communication skills;

  • recognized own resources, higher self-confidence and motivation.

Working method

Active and interactive work format to use the acquired knowledge in practice. Theory, practical exercises, discussions, and situation analysis. Before the training, participants will fill out a questionnaire about their wishes and needs, and communication cases from their experience.

Target audience

Employees who work with colleagues and clients from different countries daily.

Course structure:

1. Proactive behavior

  • What is proactive behavior?

  • How does proactive behavior affect the level of self-confidence and quality of life?

  • Proactivity – a tool for managing and controlling intercultural communication.

  • Covey’s circle of influence – by focusing on the circle of influence, we use our energy effectively.

  • Participants analyze themselves in communication with clients and identify barriers that tend to affect the conversation with the client. We analyze how a proactive focus helps to solve and overcome obstacles. Discussions, practical exercises.

2. Four stages of competence

  • What stages do adults go through to develop and strengthen a new skill?

  • Discussions, examples, and participants’ experiences.

3. Effective intercultural communication

  • Basic communication skills – listening (active listening), asking questions (types of questions and using these types to ensure effective communication), empathy (basic skill to accept and adapt to different cultures).

  • Versatility – identify, reflect, transform.

  • Basic indicators of intercultural interaction.

  • Role play to illustrate basic communication skills, activity "connect culture with characteristics". How versatility helps us avoid communication mistakes. Group lesson.

4. Communication styles

  • Aggressive, submissive and persuasive.

  • A persuasive communication style leads to a WIN-WIN result.

  • Components of communication that make a difference - body language, tone of voice and words (in different forms of communication - in direct contact, e-mails, skype, telephone conversations).

5. Diplomacy and emotional intelligence

  • Using diplomacy and emotional intelligence for effective communication.

  • Diplomacy to meet emotional needs.

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