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Structured sales


6 hours


Aleksejs Romanovs

Aleksejs Romanovs

Business consultant, entrepreneur, internationally certified sales and customer service trainer.

Structured sales

To achieve excellence in sales, it is no longer enough for companies that salespeople work to the best of their ability, it is not enough to have a bright and pleasant personality, although this is not a small thing.

Today's salespeople must be able to act meaningfully - adapt to changing circumstances, understand what is on the other side of the "negotiating table", and know exactly what they want to achieve and how to achieve it.

During the training - about how to build qualitatively new and modern relationships with the client within the framework of a structured sales process.

The training is based on learning through experience (experience-based training), where participants have the opportunity not only to hear but also to experience. It is about attitude, skills, planning, reservations, everything that prevents us from becoming happier and providing satisfaction - to ourselves, the company, and, of course, to the client, whom we often endow with various myths, thus making our lives difficult.


To provide real, proven tools that help significantly improve sales results, while saving time.

Working method

Lectures, discussions, practical tasks and exercises, in which participants will gain qualitatively new experience and learn to consciously apply new techniques and techniques.

Target audience

Anyone who wants to develop their sales and negotiation skills.


Session 1. TACTICS.

Tactics are the most necessary thing for every good salesperson to communicate effectively and powerfully here and now, significantly increasing the chances of achieving the desired result.

Body language. Briefly and effectively.

Body language is undeniably the main carrier of the message. It affects our thoughts and mental state - even when writing! In a 1:1 conversation, it has a huge importance, even greater than we can imagine in everyday life.

In this section, we will separate myths from truth. You will gain knowledge that you can apply immediately, without thinking every second about “what I look like and where my hands are”. Body language is the basis of any communication, in any format.

Sales communication structure.

This is a universal, simple and easy-to-understand system that will help you structure any customer service/sales/purchase communication. Its essential elements:

  • body language (again)

  • first contact,

  • features & benefits,

  • formulation of benefits,

  • bargaining elements (price communication, increase/decrease)

  • closing/increasing the deal

Session 2. STRATEGY.

Strategy is the most important element to prepare well for a sales conversation and maintain successful long-term relationships. It makes you a sales professional.

Types of influence. Analysis and examples.

There are 6 types of influence (no more), and we know them all. In communication, they act as triggers that are difficult to resist even if we are aware that they are being used.

Usually, people use the aforementioned influence techniques unconsciously, and rarely more than 2-3. Conscious use of influence will significantly improve performance - from “selling to the best of their ability” to “selling professionally”.

How to sell to everyone?

There is a difference in the result whether we sell to those we like (especially if the liking is mutual), or to those with whom we do not understand and where this mutual liking does not exist.

Understanding why this is the case, we can break this paradigm, slightly adapting to the other side, and - significantly improve our performance.

Session 3. MASTERY.

Sell like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk! This session will be especially useful for those who have big plans and ambitions in sales.

The joy of selling models.

In this section, we will talk about:

  • why are some organizations more successful than others, even though their product is weaker than that of their competitors?

  • what are the “sexy” qualities and where does the “WOW” factor come from?

  • and, of course, how to communicate all this and achieve a situation where your customers become your best sales agents?

Conclusion, summary, feedback.

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