5 questions for Baņuta Rubesa

5 questions for Baņuta Rubesa

1. What are you?

I am a writer and a director. I am also a teacher: communications trainer and presenter at a Toronto university (the art of acting, directing and theatre history). 

2. A book that you would recommend others to read – why?

For me this question is difficult because, a) I read very widely, and b) mainly in the English language. The purpose for which you are reading, that is the question. The point is to understand people and eras, and therefore, I would recommend both novels as well as history.

I could recommend, for example, Ha Jin’s book, Waiting, as it describes life in communist China in great degree. Or Swedish writer Patrik Svensson’s book, The Book of Eels about eels, which is unexpectedly captivating.  

In the Latvian language, I have been reading mainly about the history of the Second World War, as I am writing about my father. I can recommend Uldis Neiburgs as a good source.

3. TEDx talk, which one do you recommend watching – why?

Usually, I recommend that my clients find Amy Cuddy’s lecture about body language and its connection with rational thoughts.

4. What inspires you and gives you energy?

I am inspired by people's creativity: whether it be a child who thinks up something funny; whether it's a work of art; whether it's a lovely garden; whether it's ancient wisdom which is passed on by a Yogi. 

5. Why are you interested in convincing performances and presentations?

My interest is in the person themselves. In the contact with my clients, there is a moment when each individual presents themselves with an opportunity for changes. My role is to find that key which gives the desired click, and when it is found, provides satisfaction. 

Read more about Baņuta Rubesa’s  professional experience HERE